Social Isolation and Depression
Depression can often lead to social isolation, which can weigh on your mental health.
Watch the video above to learn how to cope with social isolation and depression, or read the written summary below.
Social isolation can be very unhealthy because we're not meant to spend all of our time alone. This isolation is a broad spectrum, from turning down plans to just being by yourself in bed all day, to not reaching out to your friends and family at all anymore.
Keep Up Contact
Reach out to your friends and family and tell them what you're feeling.
Join a club on your campus or in your community. Volunteer and help other people — once you see the impact you're making on others, it's going to give you a sense of purpose and worth.
Offer your home up to a book club or a family gathering or just have people to come and hang out.
Journal Your Thoughts and Feelings
Journaling is very beneficial to anyone suffering with a mental illness.
Write about what happened to make you feel isolated. What are the thoughts going on in your head to make me feel this way?
You have a purpose. Sit down and reflect on what are you putting out there in the world. Even the smallest little things have meaning and you have meaning.