Spicing up Your Sex Life

The Impact of Depression and Sex Drive

Depression can affect so many areas of your life and sometimes in some unexpected ways. Among its many symptoms and side effects, depression can often lead to lack of energy, loss of interest in activities, and a decreased sex drive. These three symptoms of depression can be major culprits in causing problems in the more intimate areas of your relationship. A decrease in sexual intimacy can cause tension in some relationships, so it's important to talk to your partner and work together towards finding a solution that works for both of you.

Those suffering from depression can feel withdrawn and disconnected from those around them and often battle feelings of isolation. Having intimate interaction with their partner may be one way of battling these feelings but it can be difficult when the drive or energy to do so isn't there. Medication is a common way to help fight depression and its effects, however certain antidepressants have side effects that can cause further complications as far as sex life including lower libido or difficulty reaching orgasm.

Communication between you and your partner is vital during this time as it's especially important to stay connected. There are other ideas though that may help to bring some of the intimacy back to your relationship.

Ways to Add Life Back Into the Bedroom

Self Care

First and foremost it's important to continue to take care of yourself. While sex can help to bring some energy and livelihood back into your life and your relationship, if you're not looking after your health the effects likely won't last very long.

Be patient with yourself and understand that healing and results won't happen overnight. If sex isn't something that you're comfortable with or have the energy for then don't push yourself. Work together with your partner to find other ways of staying connected so that you both are able to participate in creating a healthy relationship despite the current struggles.

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As previously mentioned, communication is a key aspect in remaining connected through depression and it's affects on libido and your sex life. It's important for you to share how your feeling with your partner, and to share honestly so that they can start to understand how your feeling.

This could potentially avoid any future conflict due to bruised egos or misunderstandings. It may be a difficult conversation to start but openness and honesty will pay off. It may even inspire a brainstorming session for ideas on how to improve the experience for both you and your partner!

Ways to Add Life Back Into the Bedroom

Speak with your Doctor

Talk with your doctor about your concerns. If you're not currently on medication for depression perhaps it's something to think about as it could relieve some of the symptoms that are holding you back. Regaining your energy and interest in activities could help to boost the lacking libido.

If you are taking medication, it may be a good idea to speak with your doctor and discuss the options. There may be a better medication for you with fewer side effects, or they may be able to suggest something to help balance the side effects.


Exercise is a great way to battle the symptoms of depression as it releases mood-boosting endorphins. It doesn't only help with mood however, as studies have indicated that it can help to increase natural libido as well. Exercising with your partner will not only help to keep you accountable and consistent with your exercise regime, but they can also provide motivation towards the end result.

Explore the Sex Shop

Adding new experiences to your intimate itinerary may be enough to kick start that libido. Grab your partner and have a look around a sex shop to see if there's anything that you and your partner find exciting. Toys might be an interesting way to enhance your sexual experience and the staff are usually able to provide tips and feedback about various options. Watching erotic movies or reading erotic novels together could be a way to get things heated as well.

The Power of Touch

Depression can be exhausting, and while there are many ways to help boost libido and passion, sometimes sex just isn't an option. Don't underestimate the power of touch though. Simple cuddling, holding hands, and back rubs are great ways to feel that physical contact without being overly intimate. This could be all it takes to help bring the intimacy and connection back into the relationship and possibly lead the way for sexual experiences in the future.

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It's easy to feel consumed by the negative effects of depression and sometimes a simple touch can be a nice reminder of the connection you have with your partner. It is possible to forget how much sex can be enjoyed when you're constantly feeling down and exhausted so a back rub or massage may be the nudge needed to get you engaged in more sexual acts.


The symptoms of depression can be painful and tiring and sometimes take a toll on your personal relationships. Antidepressants work for some but can also come with side effects that can affect your sex life. Communication is vital at this time so that you and your partner can work together to find ways around the complications and stay connected.

When suffering from depression there is a chance you can feel isolated or withdrawn so having a physical connection with your partner may be a gentle reminder that you have close support and people who care for you. When in doubt, speak with your doctor about finding options or suggestions for how to improve your sexual relationship in ways that you are still comfortable with. However, as always, take care of yourself and your health first.

Next page: a continuation of ways to spice up your sex life. 

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