What Depression Treatment Options Are Available?
As someone diagnosed with depression, it may be challenging to decide where to begin on your treatment journey. There are many different forms of treatment – from natural remedies to pharmaceuticals – but the effectiveness of each entirely depends upon the individual.
What Is Depression?
Depression is much more than just feeling sad or upset. Depression, also known as major depressive disorder, is a mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest.
Depression affects the whole person, from the way you feel to the way that you think and behave. It is all-consuming and can lead to numerous emotional and physical issues.
In order to combat or manage depression, long-term treatment is required. What precisely that treatment consists of varies significantly per person.
Seeking Help for Depression
In order to begin your treatment journey, the first and most important step that you must take is to seek help. If you feel that you are suffering from depression or depressive symptoms, make an appointment with your primary care practitioner or a mental health professional as soon as you can.
If you feel uncomfortable reaching out to a professional, seek out a friend or family member that you trust first.
If at any point during your treatment journey, you feel that you might hurt yourself or someone else, do not hesitate to call 911 or your local emergency line immediately. There will always be people there to help.
Natural Treatments for Depression
For those who are hesitant to take prescription medications or try traditional therapy options, natural treatments may be a good place to start on your journey to wellness. These natural treatment options are suitable for many different people, as they generally support good mental health practices.
Set a Routine
A lack of routine can have negative consequences on many people, not only those who suffer from depression. If your days lack any structure, it is easy to begin to feel lost and confused, making you feel worse.
Your routine can be as straightforward or as complex as you'd like, so long as you find something that works for you.
Create Personal Goals
Setting goals for yourself can go a long way in helping you to set your daily routine.
These goals do not need to be complex – they can be as simple as having a shower and getting dressed in the morning. Starting small will set you up for success, increasing your chances of adopting it into your daily routine.
Goals can help you create a sense of purpose in your day. As you get better at reaching your goals, you can begin to increase their difficulty gradually.
Get a Good Sleep
Sleep is very important, as a lack of sleep can increase the symptoms of depression.
Going to bed and getting up at the same times every day can be adopted as part of your daily routine. This will also make it easier for you to get the proper amount of sleep every night.
Eat Healthy Foods
Your body needs a variety of vitamins and nutrients to properly function, so you must give your body what it needs to stay healthy.
Depression often affects diet, either causing people to overeat, or not eat enough. Whichever is true for you, regaining control of your dietary intake can assist in the treatment of your depression.
Staying well-hydrated is also part of maintaining a healthy diet. Your body needs water to maintain optimal levels of performance.
Make sure that you are replenishing your body with the water it needs throughout the day and avoid dehydrating drinks, such as coffee and alcohol.
Exercise Your Body
Even a small amount of exercise can go a long way in the treatment of depression. If you find it difficult to become motivated, start by going for a short walk a couple of times per week and take it from there.
Exercise temporarily boosts your endorphins, which make you feel good. Regular exercise has long-term effects for those with depression, as it can encourage the brain to rewire itself in positive ways.
Getting started is the hardest part. Once it becomes routine, exercise is a lot easier to maintain.
These natural treatment options are a great place to begin your treatment journey, as they set you up for further success.
Getting good sleep, eating healthy, staying hydrated, and exercising will keep your body and mind physically healthy. Coupled with other treatment options, this is a great basis from which to work up to mental wellness.