Top 10 NLO Depression Articles of 2014

Learning to Communicate Better with Depression

Communicating with Depression

Communicating with depression is tough; depression comes into your life and robs you of your ability to communicate well with people. Consider the benefits of assertive communication.

Self-Talk: Replacing the Negative with the Positive

Self-talk is what you say to yourself throughout the course of the day. Many think that a situation or event “makes" them feel or act the way they do, but really events are interpreted by your beliefs and self-talk. The good news is that it is possible to change your self-talk.

Neck Pain from Depression

If you’ve felt stiffness, lack of movement and pain in your neck along with your depression, it’s entirely possible that there’s a connection between your neck vertebrae and your depression.

Maintaining a Relationship Despite Depression

Depression puts huge stress on a relationship. Try these tips for making it work and knowing when to walk away.

Depression and Sleep

Unfortunately, depression has a sizeable impact on sleep. You may find yourself sleeping too much or too little. In either case, your sleep is likely less productive and you are less rejuvenated when you wake. Improving your sleep hygiene may help.

Explaining Depression to Loved Ones

It is clear that some of the people in your life do not know, understand or respect the impact of depression. Though it is not your job to educate them, your life may less stressful if they can better conceptualize depression. Here’s how to help them get there.

Importance of Spousal Support

It is especially important that those with depression receive support from their spouses, significant others, or close family members.

Nine Surprising Causes of Depression

When most people think about causes of depression, they consider the usual suspects, such as grief, trauma, and unemployment. But there are other causes that most people do not even consider when trying to pinpoint a specific reason for the blues.

Depression and Suicide

Depression overwhelms even the most basic human responses, including survival. Keeping yourself or someone you know with depression safe is the paramount mission. Look out for these signs.

Soup: The Healthy Comfort Food

Comfort soups sure do make us feel better, and if you have depression, they are certainly a much better choice than potato chips, candies, cookies, chocolate, and other high caloric foods.

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